Create a Devbox.
Create a Devbox and begin the boot process. The Devbox will initially launch in the ‘provisioning’ state while Runloop allocates the necessary infrastructure. It will transition to the ‘initializing’ state while the booted Devbox runs any Runloop or user defined set up scripts. Finally, the Devbox will transition to the ‘running’ state when it is ready for use.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Blueprint ID to use for the Devbox. If none set, the Devbox will be created with the default Runloop Devbox image. Only one of (Snapshot ID, Blueprint ID, Blueprint name) should be specified.
Name of Blueprint to use for the Devbox. When set, this will load the latest successfully built Blueprint with the given name. Only one of (Snapshot ID, Blueprint ID, Blueprint name) should be specified.
A list of code mounts to be included in the Devbox.
(Optional) When specified, the Devbox will run this script as its main executable. The devbox lifecycle will be bound to entrypoint, shutting down when the process is complete.
(Optional) Environment variables used to configure your Devbox.
(Optional) Map of paths and file contents to write before setup..
Parameters to configure the resources and launch time behavior of the Devbox.
User defined metadata to attach to the devbox for organization.
(Optional) A user specified name to give the Devbox.
Reference to prebuilt Blueprint to create the Devbox from. Should not be used together with (Snapshot ID, Blueprint ID, or Blueprint name).
Snapshot ID to use for the Devbox. Only one of (Snapshot ID, Blueprint ID, Blueprint name) should be specified.
A Devbox represents a virtual development environment. It is an isolated sandbox that can be given to agents and used to run arbitrary code such as AI generated code.
A list of capability groups this devbox has access to. This allows devboxes to be compatible with certain tools sets like computer usage APIs.
, computer_usage
, browser_usage
, language_server
Creation time of the Devbox (Unix timestamp milliseconds).
The ID of the Devbox.
The launch parameters used to create the Devbox.
The user defined Devbox metadata.
The current status of the Devbox.
, initializing
, running
, suspending
, suspended
, resuming
, failure
, shutdown
The Blueprint ID used in creation of the Devbox, if the devbox was created from a Blueprint.
The time the Devbox finished execution (Unix timestamp milliseconds). Present if the Devbox is in a terminal state.
The failure reason if the Devbox failed, if the Devbox has a 'failure' status.
, out_of_disk
, execution_failed
The name of the Devbox.
The shutdown reason if the Devbox shutdown, if the Devbox has a 'shutdown' status.
, keep_alive_timeout
, entrypoint_exit
, idle
, lambda_lifecycle
The Snapshot ID used in creation of the Devbox, if the devbox was created from a Snapshot.
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